I started this post a couple months ago... I just got so busy and so hugely pregnant that I never finished it. I will finish it now.
I have had wonderful intentions to update but we all know where the road paved with good intentions leads!
The last time I updated was at the end of January... which was a pretty rough month for me. The silver lining (HUGE silver lining!) is that sometime in January our sweet new addition was conceived. So THANK YOU JANUARY! You can be as horrible as you want because you also brought joy.
Dave and I both thought for sure that Sam was our last. We hoped for a 4th of course but neither of us ever thought it would really happen. Goodness, we can hardly believe we were lucky enough to get Ella, James and Sam here. We were just counting our blessings but figured especially with some of my health problems that we were done at 3. SURPRISE!
I was feeling pretty yucky but thought it was just my medications. Finally after a TON of obvious signs I went and bought a HPT. I cried the whole way home because I just knew it would be negative... how could it not be?! I thought. I took it and it was immediately positive! I saw my doctors nurse practitioner a few days later and found out we were 7 weeks along. We tried to wait to tell the kids but we were just too excited. There was a lot of cheering and James even ran laps around the kitchen pumping his arms up in triumph. The prayers for a girl started almost immediately although I cautioned that they needed to be happy no matter what. In early May we found out we were in deed having a girl. I wrapped up cute tiny girl outfits for Ella and James to open (Sam is still oblivious... he just gets annoyed that my lap is shrinking!) It was totally anti climactic. I asked Ella why she wasn't more excited... I thought she'd freak out. She nonchalantly told me "Well Mom, I already knew it was a girl." I guess kids have the inside scoop!
...That is where I left off.
This pregnancy was not a walk in the park. I was really sick in the beginning but had a fairly good second trimester. I was a bit hot and uncomfortable over the summer but mostly just so thrilled that our little Norah would be joining us in early fall. About 3 months ago I found out I had gestational diabetes again. My numbers were higher than they were with Sam. So I started a pretty strict low carb diet too keep my blood sugars down. I was able to manage my sugar numbers really well during the day but they would spike at night while I was sleeping. I started injecting insulin in the evenings before bed. Not fun, any of it, but so worth it for my little girl.
We assumed that Norah would be born somewhere around 37 or 38 weeks. She came even earlier at about 34 1/2 weeks. She was born still... my heart hurts even writing that.
She was beautiful.
She was perfect.
She is loved.