Monday, June 4, 2012

Epic FHE and proud parent moment.

Tonight FHE (none of which was actually spent at home) was epic.  It was a night filled with good food, shopping, feats of generosity, tears, and someone (we will not mention who) slipping in a random strangers vomit at Walmart and landing in the pile of it.

Remember how I posted a picture of Ella winning a bike at the end of the school year?  Well since she has a new bike from her birthday she decided (on her own) to give the bike to her brother.  After going to dinner we headed to Walmart to redeem the gift certificate for $60 towards any bike.  James chose one and as we were checking out the cashier heard that Ella was giving the bike to James and started crying.  All the people near by started praising Ella on her generosity and what a good sister she was.  She was beaming!!!  I was thrilled to have her praised for such a virtue.  As we were getting ready to pay the difference on the bike the manager of Walmart found us (wanted to discuss the unfortunate vomit incident... which they handled SO well by the way.)  She was so touched with Ella (and hoping not to get sued I'm sure) that she said Walmart would cover the difference on the bike (About $24).  Nice!

I have the best kids ever!

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