Wednesday, March 16, 2011

A pleasant surprise.

Today on my way home from lunch with the girls I realized that I was WAY over due for an oil change.  I planned to do it tomorrow since the kids and I leave for Colorado on Friday morning, but I realized that it needed to be done NOW!  (The oil light was flashing and blinking at me and I'm sure it would have yelled at me If it could have.)  I got to my favorite lube place "The Grease Monkey" as soon as I could.  They were so awesome!  I asked for a discount since I didn't have time to look for a coupon and they gave me $8 off.  They were so fast and then when I paid the manager reached down and plucked a carnation out of a bucket behind the counter and handed it to me with a thank you.  What a smart idea!  What girl doesn't like a flower?  I know it is silly but little surprise touches like that totally make me a loyal customer! (Plus they do a good job... which doesn't hurt.)

1 comment:

  1. I am also a loyal customer of Grease Monkey. I love them!
