Friday, May 20, 2011


At the request of a new friend (I think anyone who has known me for a while would never have asked me to do this) I took a pregnancy test.  I have taken A LOT pregnancy test over the last 10 years and they have always been negative.  I've expect nothing more.  I was told by fertility specialists that in-vitro was our only hope for getting pregnant.  This friend gave me a test and said "Go home and take it!"  So later tonight, since it was in my pocket, I took it.

I Started screaming and crying for Dave to come (He thought I saw a spider... I'm arachniphobic.)  He raced into our bathroom in a panic.  I said, "I'm pregnant."  He said, "No you're not."  It took me a minute to convince him but when I did we both kinda just stood there stunned.  We of course went to the store and bought a bunch more tests just to be sure! 

We have wanted another child for years.  James goes to kindergarten this fall and I was really sad to have the gap between him and #3 get any bigger.  We have had our adoption papers in for over a year (no contacts at all) and we were getting ready to do in-vitro in the early fall.  This is such a miracle and we cannot believe that not only did it happen on it's own... it was FREE!!! (at least this part!)  Babies do not come easily to us so this is a completely new experience.   We will tell the kids in a few days which we are really excited to do.  We want to go to the Doctor first and make sure everything is ok. 

A. W. E. S. O. M. E.
I was still in a bit of shock and also emotionally exhausted so I look a little crazy!


  1. oh my gosh! I'm crying I'm so happy for you! Truelly Awesome!

  2. I feel like getting up and jumping up and down to do a happy dance. I love this blog! I love this post the best!! & I love that your family is growing!!! Love you
