Wednesday, September 5, 2012

The reason...

(or at least what I am blaming it on) that I haven't posted since June 5th.  I have NEVER gone this long without documenting my family's happenings.  You see at about the end of February / early March I started feeling... well, crummy.  That is the only way I can describe it. 

  • I was tired (really tired) all of the time.
  • My muscles ached all the time.
  • I was pretty sure I had postpartum depression. I just felt, blah and down most of the time.
  • My milk dried up (my goal was to pump for Sam for 3 months so this was not as devastating as it would have been had I not been ready to stop anyway).
  • I started getting really bad back acne (this was a first for me and I HATE it!).
  • My hair started falling out.
  • I sounded hoarse all the time.
  • After losing ALL of my baby weight I started packing on the pounds at an alarming rate (almost 25 to date).
  • My scalp was itching like crazy!
  • Still felt like I had pregnancy brain.
  • My hands would still go numb a lot (I had carpel tunnel during pregnancy so I was already used to this).
  • I was also getting frequent headaches. 

Well since most/all of these are also fairly common postpartum symptoms I wasn't too worried.  but these symptoms persisted through March, then April... May... June... July...
By the time August rolled around and things were getting worse and had been for a while.  I had to have a nap every day to even function.  My sweet little Ella was having to pick up a lot of my slack by getting breakfast for James every day.  Playing with Sam if I needed to nap.  I was RARELY getting ready.  Pajamas was/is my uniform (not that this is that different for me) and hat was/is my hairdo.  I finally came to the realization that this was getting worse and that Sam was nearly 8 months old and I should be feeling MUCH better from postpartum stuff.  I just knew that my body was off and things weren't right.  So I finally went to the doctor and they drew a lot of blood and did a lot of tests.  Well apparently my thyroid hates me and decided to take a sabbatical.  I have hypothyroidism.

The good news is that they have medicine for hypothyroidism.  The bad news I was told by both doctors I saw that it would take about 4 weeks for me to notice any difference. 
I have been on my meds for almost 2 weeks now.  I have noticed a few things getting a bit better.  While I am still tired I am not completely exhausted ALL the time, so less naps.  I have lost about 3 pounds (BOO YA!) and the back acne is clearing up.  I told Dave that mid September is my time!  I will finally feel like myself again.  I am sure he is relieved.  I can't have been easy to live with this past 8+ months and our house looks like you would expect it to considering it has taken all of my energy just to keep my head above water in my life. 
So there is a reason for the blog neglect.  Just like many other things in my life it just didn't make the cut of things that I had the energy for... like my hair, house, yard, cooking etc.  I am SO SO SO excited to have an answer to my ailments (I was seriously starting to think maybe I was crazy... well crazier than usual.)  I am also so grateful for modern medicine so that I can take a pill every day a tiny part of my body that effects so much can function again and I can get my life back.
Update posts coming soon!!!
I am leaving this post with a picture of Sam that is pure AWESOME.

1 comment:

  1. Yay! I am glad you are back. I like that you are not private cuz I never check your other blog anymore but I check my google reader almost daily! I'm sorry you've been so miserable. :( Makes me sad. I am glad things are on that up and up! Now you can hang with your friends again! Lets have a GNO!!! Larvey!
